Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Mesa
Mesa Elementary’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is a group of volunteer parents, teachers, and administrators working together to make the Mesa community a more welcoming and equitable place for diverse populations. We aim to create a space for shared learning and collective growth. Projects have included setting up the Little Free Diversity Library and the Buddy Bench at school, co-sponsoring the Mesa Multicultural Festival, bringing the YWCA’s Reading to End Racism program to Mesa students, hosting guest speakers for the parents on topics like how to talk to your kids about race, BVSD Youth Equity Council, ADHD and executive functioning, and how to talk to your kids about neurodiversity, and engaging experts for staff professional development.
We welcome participation from anyone in the Mesa community who is committed to the principles of DEI and our committee norms. We meet at Mesa on Thursdays about once a month, with childcare provided for after-school meetings.
Our meetings of the 2024-25 year are on the following dates. We aim to provide childcare for after-school meetings:
Thursday, September 5 - 3:00 pm
Thursday, October 10 - 8:15 am
Thursday, November 7 - Time TBD (tentatively 5pm)
Thursday, January 9 - 3:00 pm
Thursday, February 6 - 8:15 am
Thursday, March 6 - 3:00 pm
Thursday, April 10 - 3:00 pm
Thursday, May 8 - 8:15 am
We also want families to know they can reach out to us and report concerns. In general, and as noted in the Mesa FAQ, families can always contact their student’s teacher or reach out to the principal. And if families have something of concern for which they don’t feel comfortable, for some reason, reporting to teacher or principal, they can reach out to Mesa’s counselor, Naomi Moddel.
As BVSD has updated and refined its policies and practices for bullying prevention (found among other helpful links on the Parent Resources page), we have developed a protocol for Reporting and Responding to Bias-Based Incidents. A bias-based event is invalidating, degrading, oppressive, or threatening words or behavior that targets an individual or groups based on race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected category.
Additional links and resources:
Contact: Josh Baldner, principal, j[email protected]
2023-2024 Mesa DEI Committee Co-Chairs: Christine Chen, Sarah Thomas
2024-2025 Mesa DEI Committee Calendar
2024-2025 Mesa DEI Committee Meeting Agendas and Notes
We welcome participation from anyone in the Mesa community who is committed to the principles of DEI and our committee norms. We meet at Mesa on Thursdays about once a month, with childcare provided for after-school meetings.
Our meetings of the 2024-25 year are on the following dates. We aim to provide childcare for after-school meetings:
Thursday, September 5 - 3:00 pm
Thursday, October 10 - 8:15 am
Thursday, November 7 - Time TBD (tentatively 5pm)
Thursday, January 9 - 3:00 pm
Thursday, February 6 - 8:15 am
Thursday, March 6 - 3:00 pm
Thursday, April 10 - 3:00 pm
Thursday, May 8 - 8:15 am
We also want families to know they can reach out to us and report concerns. In general, and as noted in the Mesa FAQ, families can always contact their student’s teacher or reach out to the principal. And if families have something of concern for which they don’t feel comfortable, for some reason, reporting to teacher or principal, they can reach out to Mesa’s counselor, Naomi Moddel.
As BVSD has updated and refined its policies and practices for bullying prevention (found among other helpful links on the Parent Resources page), we have developed a protocol for Reporting and Responding to Bias-Based Incidents. A bias-based event is invalidating, degrading, oppressive, or threatening words or behavior that targets an individual or groups based on race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected category.
Additional links and resources:
Contact: Josh Baldner, principal, j[email protected]
2023-2024 Mesa DEI Committee Co-Chairs: Christine Chen, Sarah Thomas
2024-2025 Mesa DEI Committee Calendar
2024-2025 Mesa DEI Committee Meeting Agendas and Notes
Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day
November 14, 2024
Join us in celebrating Ruby Bridge’s courage by walking with us to Mesa Elementary!
We walk in solidarity to show our community and each other that all are welcome at Mesa. We remember Ruby Bridges and her family, their bravery and commitment to desegregation and inclusivity, and every student’s right to a fair and equal education.
We begin walking at 7:25 a.m.
Meet up at one of the three nearby corners - see map here:
- North (Lehigh & Emerson)
- East (Ithaca & Heidelberg)
- South (Lehigh & Iliff)
Students will be given Ruby Bridges flags to carry and gather at the front of Mesa for a short speech and tasty donuts. Parents and caregivers are welcome to join - wear purple if you can or your Mesa shirt!
Our goal in hosting this event is to inspire our students, to honor the legacy of those who fought for equality and to recognize the value of unity and understanding in our diverse world. By celebrating this day, we are fostering understanding, empathy, and respect for diversity among all students. The event provides an opportunity to educate our community about historical injustices and the ongoing importance of inclusivity.
Resources to share with your kiddos:
"I am Ruby Bridges" book read aloud on YouTube by Ruby Bridges
"Dear Ruby, Hear our Hearts" book - interview with Ruby Bridges about the book
"Brave Little Ruby" book read aloud on YouTube
Join us in celebrating Ruby Bridge’s courage by walking with us to Mesa Elementary!
We walk in solidarity to show our community and each other that all are welcome at Mesa. We remember Ruby Bridges and her family, their bravery and commitment to desegregation and inclusivity, and every student’s right to a fair and equal education.
We begin walking at 7:25 a.m.
Meet up at one of the three nearby corners - see map here:
- North (Lehigh & Emerson)
- East (Ithaca & Heidelberg)
- South (Lehigh & Iliff)
Students will be given Ruby Bridges flags to carry and gather at the front of Mesa for a short speech and tasty donuts. Parents and caregivers are welcome to join - wear purple if you can or your Mesa shirt!
Our goal in hosting this event is to inspire our students, to honor the legacy of those who fought for equality and to recognize the value of unity and understanding in our diverse world. By celebrating this day, we are fostering understanding, empathy, and respect for diversity among all students. The event provides an opportunity to educate our community about historical injustices and the ongoing importance of inclusivity.
Resources to share with your kiddos:
"I am Ruby Bridges" book read aloud on YouTube by Ruby Bridges
"Dear Ruby, Hear our Hearts" book - interview with Ruby Bridges about the book
"Brave Little Ruby" book read aloud on YouTube
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